Monday, April 13, 2009

Twitter and Celebs... Again

Okay. I have quit Twitter. As they say in Bambi: Many people appear to be "twitterpated." I myself see it as a waste of time. You can do the same thing with a text message. How many people could you really have that you need to tell what you are doing?

AIM or any other messenger service can do the same thing and you can actually talk back and forth if need be. There are so many other ways to communicate. Why do we need a service that is just for saying: "I'm eating breakfast?" "I'm washing the car." "I had a great weekend." Do we have so much free time and lack of creativity that this is how we want to spend it? I refuse to be addicted to such a thing.

Once again, I like Ashton Kutcher but doesn't he have better things to be a role model for? He has it made and what does he do, he leaves messages on Twitter about what he is doing?

Ryan Seacrest loves Twitter too. I guess in some respects maybe Twitter helps keep people from mobbing celebs in person. Maybe people will instead sit and stare at what they are doing on Twitter.

I will not be one of those people. Sorry Ryan and Ashton. I am not going to ever be one of those people who goes out of my way to obsessively follow you. I like hearing what you have to say once in a while but I won't devote my life to you.

In some respects I wish it wasn't so crazy in this world. There are things I would like to ask certain celebs but they will not speak to just anyone. They are not like other people on the Internet. Others on the Internet will randomly speak to one another simply because they can. You can start a friendship online but most likely not with a celeb. They seem to believe they are better or that they need to hide from the public.

That's actually true though. Celebs do need to hide from the public. You cannot be free and in the open, in person, because of stupid idolizing people. Do not idolize celebs. They are just normal people who have good days, bad days, and everything in between. They just got lucky one day and achieved their dream job. People who idolize celebs ruin it for the people who are normal, and the celebs. Who wants to go out to dinner and be followed by photographers and mobs of people? Who knows, perhaps I am the best friend that a celeb will never find.

Oh, and Celebs, (you know who you are), I don't care who you are with; I don't want to know what you yell out while having sex.

To all my friends who are not on Twitter: I am with you once again.

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