Monday, March 1, 2010

Someone Hit The Self Destruct

*This is a note to inform that this poem is a bit dark. You need not worry about me and my health, I have no desire to die.

Someone Hit The Self Destruct

She fell down on the ground, tripped and skinned her nose.
bruised her chest, scraped her wrist and cut one of her elbows.
Clumsy they would call her in her heart and in her soul.
In the physical she lacked some certain finesse and an angelic halo.
She couldn't do it right, most certainly she did it wrong.
She took way too much time and life was becoming too long.
She woke up on the wrong side in the right person's bed.
She couldn't get her whereabouts straight no matter what they said.
She was losing connection, understanding and her care.
Life most definitely was not hers and was not going to be fair.
She made the choice and used her voice and then in this, out she lucked.
She grabbed a chair a rope and her care and she hit the self destruct.

- Tricia Markin 3/1/10

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Who am I? I am many things in one; a constantly changing package. I am a friend, a sibling, a daughter, a listener, a learner, a poet, and an artist.