Friday, August 21, 2009

Twilight book and movie review.

I recently was walking through Marshall's and I noticed that they had the Twilight books. I had no desire to read the books because I heard that they were poorly written; I had heard worse things about the third movie which the director apparently hates. I decided to buy the first book. I read the book in three days. I became addicted to the love story. The passion that I am uncertain could possibly exist in real life. The day I finished the first book I walked back to Marshall's and bought the second book. I read that book in three days as well. The day after I finished the second book I went out and bought the third; that book was finished after two days and I now need to go buy the fourth.

The story is best in the second book and I can see why some would say it's not well written. There is way more detail than is needed in each book. They tend to ramble a bit and go over things that are unimportant. I still kept on reading. Drawn into the feud's and passion that the main characters were projecting. Last night I watched the movie Twilight and I was greatly disappointed. I nearly shut it off. The best part of the movie is probably the baseball scene. The writer could have done so much more with this movie. It could have been a beautiful piece or artistry when finished, but when it came out of the oven it was a mushy half-baked cake that lacked heart. Edward's strengths and speed were so poorly done, so hokey that it was agonizing to watch. The book is about five hundred pages and the movie was severely chopped and crap that wasn't needed was added. Disappointment aplenty.

I recommend the books and not the movies at this point. If the second movie is as bad as the first, or worse, then it will not be worth your time or patience. Despite the awfulness I am still very drawn in by the passionate love story that surrounds Bella and Edward.

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